10 Nov Big Dreams from DU Participants at Mastermind
We had our first big brainstorming session for Microtopia Village at the University of Denver with participants from the Pioneer Leadership Program. Over a dozen undergraduate students dreamed big about everything they want in a micro home, in the Hub and in the 4 Greenhouses planned as part of Microtopia Village.
So what do they want in the community of their future?
A Fleet of Bikes
Nice Gym – Plenty of Equipment
Light Rail Stop
Green Space and a Dog Park
Coffee shop
No utility payment
Healthy Food Options
Variety of Energy Resources to power homes
Community Festivals
Community Pool
Community Recycle Initiatives
Varied Models of Homes
Different Interiors
Solar Roads
Underground Tunnels
Health Clinic
Grey Water System
Community Waste System to Use
Intramural Sports
Movie Theater
Community Council …to name just a few of the hundreds of ideas which were generated in our Mastermind brainstorming session!
After brainstorming on the macro level, the students broke into one of three mini groups to discuss more specifics of what they wanted in a Micro home, in the Hub and in the Greenhouses. They then made a presentation of their ideas to the rest of the group.
The ideas got very specific as to what should be grown in the Greenhouses; how the Hub should have a variety of restaurants, a gym and a theater; and that the Micro Homes should have an outdoor fireplace! We love the dreams of these Millennials.
The students could have brainstormed for hours, however we had to wrap up our session with a list of what makes Microtopia Village so appealing. The students listed the following and more:
Appealing Home Design
Geared toward Millennials
Develops Community
Provide a transition
Looks Nice
Resources & Services
Customization Factor
We will be having more brainstorming sessions with Millennial student groups at colleges throughout Colorado. If you want us to visit your school, please contact Nicole@MicrotopiaVillage.com
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